Welcome to our farm!
Hammett Family Farms has been raising corn, soybeans, hay, hogs, and cattle at the same location since 1863.
Currently, the farm is being operated by the sixth and seventh generations while the eighth generation is watching and learning at a young age what it takes to operate and be a part of a historical family farm. We have invested countless minutes, days, years, even centuries of our time to make sure we can continue our business for generations to come. It is our mission to provide a local, high-quality, and trustworthy product to our family, friends, and community.
The history of Limousin cattle may be as old as the European continent itself and are currently raised for their meat in more than 70 countries across the world. This French breed of cattle are known for very flavorful, tender, and lean cuts. They have good marbling quality and are also very low in saturated fats. Here at Hammett Family Farms, our beef cuts are greater than 95% lean which make them a safe, healthy choice of meat to consume.
Our family has raised cattle on this farm through the 1960s. In his youth, Jim participated in 4-H and FFA and became fond of beef cattle during that time, specifically the Limousin breed. In 2003, Jim resumed cow-calf operation on the farm, the birthplace of NBN Limousin. In 2019 due to increasing requests, Hammett Family Farms started fundamental changes to accommodate a year-round demand.
We hope you consider buying local and supporting #FarmToTable. Enjoy!
14645 Crego Rd. - DeKalb, IL 60115

Animal health
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Land health
Praesent vestibulum aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris Cum.